7 Ways to Have a Happy Productive Day!
Hi Everyone,
Since I help guide people in finding clarity, success, and abundance in their lives I thought it would be a good idea to share some of these principles with you. It’s really possible to change your mind-set and look at life from a positive point of view, remain calm and stay in the moment, making you a much happier person. Let’s make it a part of your daily life just by making a shift in your consciousness. So, let’s get started.
- No phones, TV, or any electronic devices for the first half hour, if you find this too difficult, start with 15 minutes and then build up to 30. Being quiet is a great way to practice peace. This is your time to go within.
- When the alarm goes off meditate for 10 minutes.Don’t have the foggiest idea how, it’s simple. Sit in a comfortable position, with your spine straight and your feet on the floor. You can also sit on the floor, do what works better for you. Focus on your breath, a word, or a saying that lifts your spirit. Words such as, kindness, love, or peace, or verses, such as, I feel joyous and happy today or, I live in peace and harmony. As thoughts come of all the things you have to do today, watch them pass and go back to the breath or say your word or saying. Learning to quiet the mind will help you stay focused and calm you throughout the day. This takes practice. As first it may seem redundant but give it time and be patient with yourself.
- Place a journey by your bed and think of 5 words that describe what you are grateful for and write them down. Writing things down has a very positive effect. The more senses you use, the better. It reinforces new behavior and helps you develop new ways of thinking.
- When you are showering the night before or in the morning, and you are washing your hair think of ways you can do one nice thing for yourself today. When you wash your face focus on ways that you may see every situation from love. As you wash your arms and hands think of situations that you can give a helping hand to your family, co-workers or community.
- My grandmother’s advice, “It doesn’t cost a penny to smile, say hello, or how are you, that shows that you care.” When you are coming from kindness it is usually returned back to you, that’s the Law of Attraction.
- During the day, take a 5-minute break to close your eyes and focus on your breath, this can help you solve a problem, become centered, and reset your mind.
- If, however you are the recipient of any negative comments, don’t take it personally. I know it can be difficult, but we have no idea what is really going on with the other person. You can always make a conscious thought to go back to feeling good. It’s always a choice. Are you going to give your peace away or talk negatively about that person because you didn’t get the response you were looking for? The Law of Attraction will only give you more of that.
I know this takes conscious effort on your part, but I truly believe this will start a positive change that will start to reverberate in all areas of your life. Implement some or all of these simple ideas and let me know how you do. I would love to hear from you. I encourage you to make this a new way of thinking and being. I promise your life will change when you focus on the positive.